Here is a little glimpse into our day. No day is ever the same!
7:30am -
I am woken to the sounds of my husband getting ready for work (why is he so loud? Haha!) Before I even place my feet on the floor I spent time with Jesus. I find that if I immediately spend time in the word before I do ANYTHING else it helps me throughout the day.

I am currently reading the above devotional.
7:45am -
I am officially out of bed. The first thing I do is get my coffee going (I know I’m not the only one haha) and get the twins bottles warming at the same time.

8am -
I feel like Noah can sense when I wake up because moments after I hear Noah jumping in his crib calling for me. (Yes, my 3 year old still sleeps in his crib.. judge me 🤷🏽♀️)

The minute Noah is up he goes directly onto the potty (we’ve been successfully potty trained for a little over a month 👏🏽)
8:15am -
Time to really get this day started! Anyone else’s kids STARVING the minute they wake up? 🙄 I pour my coffee & get breakfast started for my trio.

8:30am-9:30am -
I’ll spend the next hour feeding the 3 kids & changing the twins. (I never realized this took an hour until now haha!)
Everyone is fed and happy. The kids play in their playroom while I cook myself a quick breakfast and tackle the breakfast dishes.

9:45 -
I’ve only had 15 minutes to clean, cook my breakfast and eat it before the kids are calling for me. The twins are crying “mama” from
the other room while Noah is telling me he’s hungry (yes, he ate a croissant + eggs & cheese for breakfast) as I’m scarfing down my last bites I get a wiff of poo (Anyone else’s babies poop every single morning after breakfast?) I grab the girls, change their bums and get all 3 kids ready for the day.

10:15am -
The kids are dress and ready for the day (I look like a serious hobo) I throw my coffee in the microwave at the same time a amazon shipment shows up at our door (We are currently doing a toy drive for RMH) Noah loves when packages show up and he instantly starts opening them. Yesterday when the shipment showed up he threw a HUGE fit when I told him the toys weren’t ours. I explained what the toys were for and today we had no melt downs as we packed the toys away in the closet 🥳

10:30am -
I put the twins down for their morning nap. I put Noah on the couch with a snack & a episode of Paw Patrol 🤷🏽♀️ I use this time to
shower and get myself ready for the day!

12:00pm -
The twins are up from their nap and it’s time to get ready for our Drs appointment. Getting the 3 kids out of the house on time is a challenge. I have to change the girls diapers, make sure Noah goes on the potty, grab coats & hats (thanks cold weather) grab the diaper bag and head out the door.
12:30pm -
We are all finally out the door and loaded in the car. First stop, coffee! I have 3 kids getting flu shots, I need a coffee!

1:05pm -
Our appointment was at 1pm and we pull into the driveway at 1:05pm. Now I have to get coats on all the kids (we don’t wear our coats in the car seats because car seat safety is SO important!) the girls loaded in the stroller and head in the office. 1:15pm -
We are in the doctors office and the flu shots have began. NONE of my kids cried 🤯 I was prepared for the worst (I had a minor panic attack driving to the office) and not one of them flinched .... phew!

1:30pm -
We are already loaded back in the car. That was the quickest dr visit I have ever had! I had anticipated my kids would be so upset after their flu shots that I was going to take them
to the mall for a treat. Even though they weren’t upset, a promise is a promise so I headed to the mall!
1:45-3pm - We spent this time at the mall! We ate fries, Noah got popcorn and a sucker. We bought Noah his winter boots and looked at a bunch of Halloween decorations. Noah threw about 3 fits in this time frame (can someone explain to my 3 year old that he NEEDS to nap and naps are the bomb!?!)

3pm -
We get home & I put the twins down for their second nap. While the twins are napping I start dinner.
4:45pm -
The twins are up from their nap & it’s dinner time!

5:20pm -
Daddy “occupies” the kiddos while I clean up from dinner.

6:00pm -
One of our best friends Rocky (our kids tio) shows up! He has a spiderman for Noah's birthday & I may have forgotten the guys had plans to watch a WWE fight tonight (even though it’s been on our calendar over a week....)

6:20pm -
Bedtime routine begins! Noah’s first to go in the bath and while I’m grabbing pjs he decides to poop in the bath .... so now I have to pull him out, clean the bath, put him back in the bath & then move onto bathing the twins ...
After everyone is cleaned, lotioned & in cozy pjs Noah has his milk with a snack & the twins have their bedtime bottle. After snacks & milk it’s time to brush our teeth & head up for our bedtime story.

All cozied up in our sleep sacks with our loveys (because safe sleep is SO important and we take it very seriously in our house!) We dive back into one of our favourite books that was gifted to us by a great friend last year. This is the 3rd time we have read this book from front to back, it’s that good y’all!

7pm -
After our book (let me add the story was cut short tonight because Noah was being naughty and after 3 warnings he wouldn’t behave so we cut story time) we said our prayers and I put the kids in their beds, turned on their humidifiers & sound machines and kissed them goodnight! 7:10pm -
After all the kids are in bed I prep the twins bottles (I also make my husbands lunch for work but it’s Friday today!) clean the house, sweep, mop & Lysol everything (Preemie mama problems!)

7:30pm -
Finally, it’s ME time! This time for me looks different every night usually. Some nights I’ll take a hot bath, some nights I’ll watch all of my PVR’d shows & nights like tonight after a long day of toddler tantrums I eat a handful of chocolate, put on my pjs, climb into bed & watch something on Netflix. My kids sleep through the night so our day ends there!

Tomorrow is a new day & it won’t look like today. This phase in life with 3 very small children is hard & tiring but it is so worth it!!